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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Investing Books

The Intelligent Asset Allocator, by William Bernstein

William Bernstein is one of today's most unlikely financial heroes. A practicing neurologist, he used his self-taught investment knowledge and research to build a popular investor's website. Now, in the plain-spoken The Intelligent Asset Allocator, he shows independent investors how to build a diversified portfolio-without the help of a financial advisor.

A breath of fresh air for investors tired of overly technical investment tomes, this book will help investors:

Learn the risk/reward characteristics of various investment types.
Understand and apply portfolio theory for an improved risk/reward ratio.
Sharpen their focus, and take control of their investment programs.
William Bernstein (North Bend, OR) runs a website-www.efficientfrontier.com-known for its quarterly journal of asset allocation and portfolio theory, Efficient Frontier.

Eat the Rich, by P. J. O'Rourke

The best investing book in the marketplace on how the world works. It's so entertaining, that it's usually found in the humor section, not the economics section, of the bookstore. Disguised in all the fun is a powerful dissertation on why freedom creates incredible wealth. When you're done, do your part to save the future of the world - give it to your favorite bleeding-heart college kid.

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