When it come to making money and creating wealth a wealth creation strategy is key, to help you guaranteed your wealth building success. A wealth strategy can keep you focus on your wealth building mission. If you were ever to get discourage by pitfalls of the business and investment world. You can go back to your strategies and get back on track.
One of the most important Wealth creation strategies is having control over your self, it does not matter how much money you are making or how much money you are going to make, if you can not control your impulse to spend you will not be able to generate wealth or become wealthy.
That leads me to wealth creation strategy number one - Be discipline, do not expect instant gratification, so you’ll be there for the long haul and don't fluster because of a small slip ups.
Wealth creation strategy number two - Take control of your finances. If you do not have a budget in place create one, a budget will let you know where your problem areas are located. Be sure to write your budget down and don't stray from them.
Wealth creation strategy number three - Create short term goals, longs term goals, ultimate goals and write them down. A short term goal should be set on daily and weekly bases, so that you develop momentum towards your long term goals. Your long term goal should be set on a one to two year bases. Your ultimate goals should be set on five to ten year bases. Your discretion should be apply here, set goals that are achievable and reasonable do not expect to get wealthy over night. Wealth creation is a marathon not an sprint.
Wealth creation strategy number four - Learn how to read financial statements, and find out where you are financially. A financial statement is your life financial report card; a lot of people do not bother to look at their financial statement. Because their afraid of finding out how much trouble their are financially. They are like an over weight person, afraid to step on a scale because their are terrified of find out how much their over weight by.
Wealth creation strategies number five - Read wealth creation strategy books; business books, investing books, and self improvement books. Books are great way of getting a inexpensive education, and information about any subject you are interested in. Some great books about wealth creation strategies are;
Rich Dad Poor Dad - by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Creating Wealth – by Robert Allen
Awaken The Giant Within - by Anthony Robbin
The E Myth – by Michael E. Gerber
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
You can get more information about these books and authors and much more in our Wealth Creation Resource Tools page.
Wealth creation strategy number six - create a master mind group, a master mind group it's just a group of like minded individuals working together for the same purpose. Some of the people that could be in your master mind group are your tax accountant, attorney financial adviser, banker, and a book keeper.
Wealth creation strategy number seven - Once you have the six wealth creation strategies mention above set in place. Than and only than you can start investing. Learning How to investing is key in your wealth creation strategies. Because to become wealthy you have to learn how to have money work for you, instead of you working hard for money and that is what investing is all about.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wealth Creation strategies
Posted by
Mr. Dollar
7:05 PM