How you spend your money depends on how you feel about money. Some people see money as power. To others it represents status and prestige. To some it means security. Some people use money to get the things they want in life. Others just want enough to pay for the day-to-day needs.
Understanding how you and other family members feel about money can help you deal with and find solutions to some of your financial differences. According to the categories below, which type of money spender are you?
I spend only for what I need. I save for emergencies. I like to have $$$
in my pocket. I shop around for the best deal.
I want nothing but the best! You’ve got to spend $$$ to get ahead in
life. Expensive clothes are important to me. Cheap stuff isn’t worth much.
It seems like no one ever has enough money. Credit is necessary. I
deserve the best things in life and I like to buy the things I want, NOW.
I think other things are more important than $$$. Money can’t buy
happiness. Children should learn not to put a $$$ value on everything. You can have
fun without spending $$$.
Worrying about $$$ never helps. The money will come from
somewhere. Keeping track of spending can drive people crazy. A person can get along
without saving.
RESOURCE: Successful Money Management (EC 428.1-4) by Dr. Barbara Rowe with Kay W. Hansen and Marsha M. Peterson, Utah State University Cooperative Extension Service, November 1990.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
What'$ Your $pending Type?
Posted by
Mr. Dollar
7:50 AM