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Monday, December 3, 2007

Financial Pitfalls - Part I

1. Not understanding the negative impact of compound interest
2. Being more concerned about the monthly payment rather than the
interest rate
3. Using payday loans
4. Not saving or paying yourself first
5. Buying too soon—when you want something not when you can afford it
6. Not having an emergency savings
7. Forgetting the peripheral costs of insurance, gas, & car maintenance
8. Signing up for cell phone monthly payments and getting stuck in a contract
9. Financing an education on credit cards instead of student loans
10. Becoming addicted to gambling
11. Trying at-home business scams with high startup fees
12. Not saving early enough in life for retirement
13. No understanding of how insurance works or what it covers
14. Not securing any insurance
15. Not factoring in late fees, extra charges, and taxes to a cell-phone plan
16. Having a “get rich quick” philosophy rather than a “get rich slow” strategy
17. Lack of budgeting
18. Bouncing checks and paying for overdraft fees
19. Paying for ATM fees when withdrawing cash
20. Following bad investment advice
21. Not knowing how to read credit card applications
22. Rushing into a buying decision without considering all options
23. Not knowing the financial consequences of DUIs, drunk driving, speeding, etc.
24. Making minimum payments on a credit card.
25. Having addictive and expensive habits or hobbies

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