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Monday, November 12, 2007

You Can $tart $mall

It's myth that you need a lot of money to invest. The truth is you can start small, and in many cases do it through payroll deductions, so it is systematic and painless. If your company has a payroll deduction plan, you can designate an amount of your paycheck that will go to a savings account or other instrument. You never see it, so you're not tempted to skimp on your savings.

When you invest money, you're really lending it to a bank, a corporation or a government in exchange for a promise that the borrower will pay it back with interest. Just as using credit is like "renting" money, saving and investing are like being the "landlord" of your money. You "rent" it out to others.

Warren Buffett said :

"The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth".

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