But what does this mean?
- Having enough income to live the life you want. No longer worrying about day-to-day expenses and knowing that you and your family will have enough to maintain that lifestyle in the future.
- Being physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Feeling energetic and alive at any age.
- Having happy and rewarding relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Being fully engaged and passionate about life, facing every day with a feeling of expectation and excitement.
It’s no wonder only 2% of Americans enjoy this lifestyle. It just doesn’t happen. It takes learning the specific skills that are present in all high achievers. Sadly, these are not the skills taught in our nation’s schools and universities.
By simply taking this test you are already ahead of the pack. You are taking the time to learn about yourself and steps you can take to “Live in the Two.” Our experts have identified five distinct categories, or character traits, that ultimately determine the likelihood of one's achievement. Based on your responses to our survey, the following profile has been customized to describe your current life situation. Read your profile below...
While hard work is certainly instrumental in attaining success, it is useless without discipline. Discipline is the ability to set goals, manage one's time, measure results, and maintain overall balance in life. Although you don't think of yourself as the "anal-retentive" type, others have a tendency to view you as "over the top" organized. Little do they know that secretly, you feel as disorganized as the next guy.
It's more than just hard work, it's holding on to the dream. Though life comes at you hard sometimes, every person must have an instinct to press on and dream big. Regardless of what you do, it is only success when you have done your best. Although you are always enthusiastic about your goals, you also tend to be practical in your approach to accomplishing them. All passion can lead to disaster without the proper forethought.
Risk is not always a matter of rolling the dice, and in this case, our goal is to measure one's willingness to step out of the "comfort zone." Success often requires change, and the road is often paved with new challenges that defy complacency. While you're always up for a good adventure, you've learned to wisely temper the thrills with a bit of discretion. You've undoubtedly had a few failures that have made you less likely to "dive in without testing the water" first these days.
"You are what you think about," so the saying goes, and it is no surprise that happy people are, well, just happier. This category of optimism includes both internal and external sources of positive affirmation (i.e., self-esteem, confidence, self-image, spiritual acuity, etc.). If positive outlook is a requirement for success, then you seem to have the world by the tail. Without being boastful, you have a genuine sense self, and find value in being yourself. You are a pleasure to be around and find your time in high demand by others.
Interpersonal Skills
Relationships are pivotal to overall success, and that not only includes personal relationships, but also the ability to deal with people. Negotiating. Selling. Public speaking. Regardless of your trade, these factors are all necessary for ultimate success.
Face it, you're just not an extrovert, and depending on your career track, that could be a problem. While you do enjoy a certain amount of interaction with people, you're most comfortable in small groups or one-on-one.
In conclusion...
If you’re like most people, you have just learned a few things about yourself, and probably confirmed some that you already knew. And while gaining insight about yourself is interesting, it is only valuable if it used to improve your life. The truth is, of the thousands of people who take this test, only 2% will ever use these test results to live a life of fulfillment. The rest will simply make excuses. “I don’t have enough education.” “I’m too old.” “I’m too young.” “I’m just not lucky.” “I’m not smart enough.”
For 50 years, we at Nightingale-Conant have been helping hundreds of thousands of people reach their full potential - people who were no different from you, except for maybe on thing - they believed that their past didn’t predict their future.
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